Acne Alternative Medicine – Traditional Chinese Medicine for acne


Research and studies have been conducted to discover the ultimate treatment for acne. However, the causes of and response to certain medications are still unreliable as they vary from person to person. This is the main reason why more and more people are looking into natural products and acne alternative medicine to treat the skin condition.

One alternative medicine for acne Chinese medicine. Traditional Chinese medicine has been around for thousands of years, and it’s no surprise people are starting to embrace the healing properties of the acne alternative medicine. Traditional Chinese medicine often utilizes herbs and food sources to reduce acne symptoms

Analysis :.

How is the diagnosis made? The Chinese acne alternative medicine, the examiner will try to determine the origin of the condition and recommend treatment equivalent to that source. There are two main factors believed to cause acne, and they are Heat and

Inflammation caused by heat Humidity :. In this case relating to the exercise and excessive stimulation of the body, which ultimately causes inflammation. When there is too much friction or hostility in the body, it is argued that a hormonal imbalance is created and the cause breakouts and cuts. Pimples, rashes, infections, redness and swelling fever

The Raki :. Terms of having too many fluids in the body, such as when water retention, indigestion, inflammation and swelling occur. It can be described as balloon constantly being filled with water, which ultimately leads to inflammation and explosion. In this sense, the humidity can be associated with the accumulation of sebum and bacteria. Pimples, pus, swelling, blisters and fluid expulsion signs of excess moisture.

Special characteristics of acne can determine the source of heat or humidity. With acne alternative medicine, it is believed to discover the origin of heat or moisture can help you find the corresponding treatment of

causes fever

– overworking or of movement – Emotional stress so. as anger or jealousy – Over-activated hormone – Heat from the environment

causes moisture

– Inadequate flushing waste and toxins through urination and perspiration – Impaired gastrointestinal function – fluid retention – humid or very humid environment


What is the main goal of Chinese acne alternative medicine? Objective Chinese acne other drugs to either stimulate or calm the body. Activation related “hot” foods, such as chili, black tea, basil, chives and cherry. Sources of food are stimulants are used to treat acne symptoms in the induction of moisture in the body.

Soothing treatments, on the other hand, are associated with “cooling” foods, such as cucumber, agar, egg white, banana and gluten. The food sources are used in this acne alternative medicine should work against heat in the body that causes acne symptoms earlier.

How does this usually treat acne? Traditional Chinese treatment of acne alternative medicine and has no scientific proof of how they can treat acne. However, cases have shown that utilization of natural herbs and foods can have an indirect and positive impact on the overall wellness of the body. Performance varies between individuals and treatment can take a certain amount of time to work. Before jumping into any acne alternative medicine, always consult your health care first.
