Facts About Alternative Medicine


The term “alternative” medicine is a broad one that describes a number of health and healing methods. Generally, when “choice” you’re talking about medicine and public health practices, products, etc. that are not part of the traditional medical system of society. Sometimes referred to as “complementary” medicine when used in addition to, as opposed to instead of, the traditional system, the term can range from folk medicine to faith healing to therapeutic massage. In other words, if you can not learn it in medical school, or get it in conventional hospitals, it is considered “alternative.”

Because so many different approaches to health and wellness are lumped under the alternative heading, it can be difficult to decide whether or not to take any of them seriously. Fad diets, homeopathy, acupuncture, herbology, yoga, probiotics and new age healing are just a few of the options covered by other medicines. But how are you supposed to know what is real from what is quackery?

There are many sources that attempt to take another practice medicine with scientific research. A quick search through the library or the Internet will result in a lot of research and first-hand experiences that prove or disprove the value of just about any other method you can name. Ask friends and family if they have tried some therapy or practice, you will be surprised how many people go beyond traditional medicine for alternate treatments. Many of us already use alternative medicine without even realizing it.

Remember when Grandma insisted special chicken soup her when you were sick, or a friend recommended egg yolk mask for acne just because that’s what her mother did?

They are great examples of other drugs, and there’s plenty of research out there that shows them to have real world value. The soup is easy to eat when you are sick and provides necessary hydration, vitamins, minerals and protein to help you recover. The high protein in egg yolk softens and enriches the skin as it dries it pulls out dirt, and all without adding oil or over drying. Just because a doctor does not proscribe them does not mean they do not.

Some other drugs have become more accepted by the conventional medical community. Acupuncture is part of traditional Chinese medicine, has been practiced for thousands of years and is considered a regular in many Asian countries. However, acupuncture only approved for pain relief in the United States. Acupuncturists claim it can help everything from weight loss infertility, but it has not been conclusively proven in scientific studies. Experts in the US are highly trained and must get permission before treating patients. Licenses are not infallible, but it does lend an extra assurance that a professional with high standards is with you. Further proof of acceptance is that many insurance companies will cover the treatment of a licensed acupuncturist.

It is still important to be careful in choosing to use alternative medicine. Be sure and do your homework. While it can not hurt to put egg on your face, take herbs without knowing how they can affect other medicines or know the correct dose can cause serious problems. Go to unlicensed expert for something like acupuncture can cause serious injury. You should contact your current health expert to discuss other medications you are considering. Be sure to weigh the risks and benefits carefully before you try something new. Always let each health professional to know everything about your medical history and current practices.

Many find success from the other and complementary medicine. When you examine this “new” option, you may find that there are centuries old ways to take care of your body and mind that have been overlooked by Western medicine today. Careful research and mindful approach can help you achieve a better life and enjoy good health.
