Alternative Medicine – Ayurvedic


Val agents come in many forms and Ayurvedic is one of them. Many people have not heard of this healing medium as it only came to the fore in the 1980s, although the practice of Ayurvedic medicine is said to be over 5000 years old.

Ayurvedic life and knowledge. This ancient alternative healing system has been practiced in India for many years but it is now a tendency for Western-style drugs in major cities. But most of the population live in rural areas where it is believed that 70% still use this form of healing.

the basics of Ayurvedic are broken down into three main categories and they are diet, herbs and yoga. Certain authorities have warned that some of the herbs used could be toxic, and there are a host of people to say that this form of alternative medicine is a rip off, and if anyone should want to go down this path of alternative medicine they should double check what they are taking. Not being a scientist or botanist I feel like I do not have this type of knowledge to express something more about the herbs used.

But back to any kind other drugs there will always be people who will say that unusual does not, however, a lot of websites that I visited said that it would be good for arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. A good point to push forward here would be to mention the fact that one of the more popular supplements on the market today Micro Phytoplankton is nothing but a single cell alga, and who would have said ten years ago that we would be taking this type of supplements on a daily basis.

As much of alternative medicine doctors Ayurvedic medicine is a diet based seems to be the modern trend and when you read all the reports about how diet based doctors are having success it is no wonder that this type of alternative medicine is catching on.

Another thing I did notice about Ayurvedic medicine is based on a vegetarian diet which would be on the alkaline side rather than the acid content of sugar based products and meat.

As for RA understanding in such a bad way that they can become bed ridden and in so much pain that I believe that reading the reports of the doctors through these diet related cure is good. Maybe modern medicine much to learn although I do believe that some of the large companies drugs have taken out a patent on some of the drugs used in Ayurvedic medicine, which to me tells me that there is something there, otherwise they would not be taking such measures, .
